TM Gilmore

Art You Can Watch.

Stay updated on what's happening in North Texas and beyond.

Art you can watch


You can see all the incredible things we’re doing on one of our social media sites.

We strive to bring the best experience to our clients by creating an environment of relaxation and catering. We offer a variety of add onpackages to coincide with the array of artistic experiences.

Add Ons With Experiences:

Piercings - Weekdays only - Jewelry Included ($50)

Party Favors - Edibles, Single Shots, ($5-20)

Numbing Cream ($15)

Food, Snacks, Beverages ($3-30)

Private Dances ($20-45)

The Music

You’ll find yourself captivated from the very first track. The project captures the lyrical range and the raw creativity of some prominent up and coming artist in the DFW Metroplex area.


A truthful depiction of a moment in history where honesty collides with the past for a brief moment of clarity and serenity.


Deep reverence to the idea and overcoming the fearful reality of one day being alone.


Coming of age story that relies on history to signify tomorrow’s success.

Automatic video captions available.

The Books

by: TM Gilmore

The first of a 50 book series. Alonso will embark on life’s journey from boyhood to teenager. As Alonso grows in age, the reading level also provides an optimal experience of flow.

by: TM Gilmore

A journey to intrinsic self fulfillment using various methodology such as journaling, meditation, and the never before seen Royce Method.

by: TM Gilmore

Entrepreneurialism is the path less chosen and has both perks and downfalls. Because of that starting a business is a difficult decision to make. This book was designed to serve the community of up and coming entrepreneurs who are committed to taking action but don’t know where to start.

Forearm - $99

Forearm tattoos are $99 for palm size. I can do both forearms at $120

Names - $50-99

Name assorted sizes up to 6 inches are $50. I am willing to do names on any part of the body.

Back - $99

Backk tattoos are $99 for palm size. I can do both shoulders for $120

Hands - $120

Hands are some of the most sensitive places to have art done on. It is a very delicate and beautiful process. Please come with a high tolerance for pain.

discretion enforced

Art you can watch


Book with us @TM_GILMORE



When Booking include:




date of appointment:

time slots requested:


body part of tattoo:

any comments

services: $25 p/h

web design:

Studio Recording:

program planning

501 c3 applications

business consultations

resume building:

check stubs w/ verification:

Community Service Hours: 10hrs

professional reference:

grant/essay writing:

t-shirt printing: $20 p/shirt

10% off anyone who tags

#bhofficial #freetheguys

brotherhood foundation

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